
ITAT is back!

ITAT is back!

Dear members, after many months of full and imposed lockdown because of COVID-19, ITAT is ready to take off again with a series of activities in all safety, starting from the month of August. All these events will soon be advertised on our website and social media, where you will find all the details and links to book your spot! CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FIXTURES Come and watch with us the Italian clubs (Napoli, Juventus and Atalanta) participating in the most important European soccer competition. These events will take place at the Three Lions Pub, upon reservation. MID-AUGUST LUNCH As per our ITAT tradition, we will have lunch together to celebrate one of the most beloved Italian holidays: Ferragosto. The name of the restaurant will be announced soon. Event upon reservation. ITALIAN…
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LATEST UPDATES: 13/03/2020 h. 09:25 Following the latest measures implemented by the Directorate of Health, ITAT cancels all the upcoming events until the end of March. Our Board of Directors is committed to abiding the FHI guidelines and following the recommended measures.  Dear all, You’ve surely heard about the recent developments on the increasing numbers of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Italy, and more recently in Norway. In compliance with the measures implemented by the Norwegian Government (see HERE), our Board of Directors states that: Until further notice, all the events planned during the month of March are cancelled Furthermore, ITAT considers it useful to recall the importance of observing the basic protective measures suggested by WHO, among others. Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on…
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Meeting with the Italian business community in Norway

Upon request from the Italian Embassy and towards the interest of the numerous italian business actors in Trøndelag region, we happily report this next event the 22nd January 2020 in Oslo, at the Italian Cultural Institute in Oscars gate 56, 0258 Oslo. Following the success of the last year’s meeting, the Italian Embassy is organizing again an informal event with the Italian business community in Norway. The meeting will be an opportunity to meet Italian companies based in Norway and encourage the network among them, and between the companies and the Embassy itself. program 09.30 - Welcoming; registration and coffee 10.00 - Introduction by the Italian Ambassador Alberto Colella. 10.05 - Keynote speech by Roger Hammersland, Economist of SSB, Statistisk SentralByrå. "Perspectives of world economy in 2020" 10.35 - Antimo…
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