Dear members,
after many months of full and imposed lockdown because of COVID-19, ITAT is ready to take off again with a series of activities in all safety, starting from the month of August.
All these events will soon be advertised on our website and social media, where you will find all the details and links to book your spot!
Come and watch with us the Italian clubs (Napoli, Juventus and Atalanta) participating in the most important European soccer competition.
These events will take place at the Three Lions Pub, upon reservation.
As per our ITAT tradition, we will have lunch together to celebrate one of the most beloved Italian holidays: Ferragosto. The name of the restaurant will be announced soon. Event upon reservation.
ITAT will offer some Italian cooking classes during the months of September, October and November.
With every workshop you will discover all the secrets of a regional Italian dish, freshly cooked for you. The event will take place at Aktivitethus in Skansen and it is upon reservation only.
Our Italian film selection “La Dolce Vita” will be back in September.
“Tolo tolo” by Checco Zalone is the first scheduled movie.
Event upon reservation.
We look forward to seeing you! Happy Holidays!